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Validation of Experience Requirement

The Validation of Experience (VOE) Assessment is the final formal step in earning the CPHR designation.

The following are the requirements for the Validation of Experience Assessment.

Experience has always been an integral component in achieving the CPHR designation. The requirements to pass the VOE are:

    • Three (3) or eight (8) years of work experience with the majority, 51% or more, being work in HR at the Applied HR and Foundational HR levels. Experience must be obtained within the past 10 years from the VOE submission deadline. The number of years required is based on the level of education as listed below:

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  • Applicants must demonstrate that their experience is at the Applied HR level in a minimum of 12 of the 44 functional competencies in the Knowledge Areas and a minimum of 3 of the 5 Enabling Competencies

  • Membership in good standing with CPHR BC & Yukon

  • Agree to abide by the CPHR BC & Yukon Code of Ethics & Standards of Professional Conduct

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